
Though people often thank us for what we are doing in India and Nepal, we feel like a conduit for the tremendous kindness and generosity of others. We feel humbled by the hard work and thoughtfulness of the many, many people who support these projects.
Thank you so much to all of you. You are making the world a better place!
Annie Avery
CBC (Whitehorse)
Christ The King Elementary School
Doreen Sorrenti
Elijah Smith School Spirit Club
F.H. Collins Social Justice Club
Independent Grocer Whitehorse
Jim Robb
J.V. Clark Kids Helping Kids Club
Klondike Rib and Salmon
Meadia Solutions
Midnight Sun Coffee Roasters
Nicole Edwards
Porter Creek School Social Justice Club
Robertson Bales
Selina Heyligers-Hare
Steve Hare
The Canucks (Hank Karr, Ray Park, Red Lewis, Ed Isaak, Wayne Smyth)
The Frame Shop
Yukon Home School Association
Yukon News
Thank you to our dear family members and friends for all you do to help and support us with your time, love and resources. We couldn’t do it without you!

For privacy we have not included most people’s names on this page. If you would like your name to appear here, please contact us.